Change (verb) to make someone or something different, alter or modify (noun) the act, process, or result of changing. Depending on how you look at both, it can be either right or wrong. Rightly so, the act of modifying can appear to create a new substance.  If you look at any animal that goes through metamorphosis, is the animal becoming something new through change or is it whatever it was already intended to be when it came to the surface. A better question, was the butterfly afraid or did it instinctively know and accept the change because the calling within was louder than the influences from outside?

 I revert to a bible verse. “Have faith as a child.” (Mathew 18). When I was younger, I thought it meant just pray and let God do the rest. I was uneasy with that because doing small things had the appearance of a miracle.  If you were constipated; eat fiber and drink water.  If you break out in a rash; check to see what was different around you: detergent, food, people.  As time passed, I began to look at that verse differently especially when simple things were not as simple such as SLEEP.  Being the oldest, responsibility was my second nature. As such, adulting was not an issue.  I began to wonder if I was losing my jot, passion, childlike nature.

 This brings me back to change. What if the standards that we hold for ourselves are the wrong standards?  I am not talking about the finer things in life.  I am talking about our mental and emotional outlook.  We have so many factors that are directly and indirectly influencing us:  community, traditions, family, religion, etc.

 What if the child in us, regardless of age has always known intuitively who and what we are?  I feel that the reason why we struggle with change is because we are the ugly duckling and regardless of what we try to be, we will always be a beautiful swan. The problem is we either do not see, nor accept it.  Our differences are meant to be reminders of our uniqueness regardless of ANY outside influences.  The goal was never to fit in, but to just be our true self.  Anything else creates a greater feeling of stress, imbalance, confusion, depression, and anger.

 We fight change for several reasons. One reason being change is uncomfortable and we forget we were born and equipped for change.  This means we are on the path if you are on the right path.  If you do not believe me, ask yourself who told you to crawl as a baby? Better yet, if you were moving just fine, what brought about the desire for change to walk?  I know some people will say, I’m like a parrot, I saw other people walking and I just started to mimic them.  This could be true. So, I ask. When you achieve your goals, both financially and emotionally, ask yourself why do you feel incomplete? I know you have been through a lot, but for you to reach them says great things about your greatness and you should be proud of yourself.  You still have that unwavering desire to fulfill a void.  That, my beautiful ugly ducklings, is change.  Change is inevitable.  You will either accept and do what is needed.  You might struggle and move forward, or you will fight change and become stagnant which will cause anger, depression, and other low vibrations. 

Now you are wondering how to work with change.  Everyone is different. Start by finding your inner child. That will show itself through joy, passion, and peace.  You also want to remind yourself that you are great, and you are where you need to be.  Lastly, just be yourself.  NOT perfect.  Just yourself.  Why would you want to be someone else?

 Change is a key that opens doors for you to step up and see a greater you that already exists.


True Light Coaching, LLC

Life coaching to let your true light shine!

The Mind Shift: When The Whole World Is Negative


Let’s Go To The Movies